November Newsletter 2023

We hope you all had a great Halloween!


This month we are opening trials to currently enrolled students to try another style of class! Have you been thinking about trying Hip Hop or Tumbling? Jazz or Ballet? We would love to see you try a new stye this month!

CLICK HERE to join us for a complimentary class.


  • Potty before class, especially preschoolers!

  • No underwear under your leotard. Tights are dancer's underwear!

  • BE ON TIME! We have had a lot of latecomers and late pick-ups. It is very disruptive to classes when you walk in late, not to mention unsafe for dancers to miss warming up.  Late pick-ups are preventing our next classes from starting on time. Thanks for your attention to this manner!


Thank you for continuing to follow the guidelines and helping us to remain a Safer Studio. Parents, thank you for keeping kids home if they are not well, and for your enhanced efforts to practice good hygiene. As we are going into regular cold and flu season, it is important that we continue our combined efforts to follow these guidelines.  Please continue to monitor your children and do not send them to class if they have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, etc.  Sending a child with symptoms to class in a mask is not an acceptable solution. Please keep children home when they are sick. We appreciate your enhanced awareness and efforts in keeping our students and faculty healthy.

RECITAL INSTALLMENTS START NOV 1 (and go through June 1)

Dance is the ultimate performing art, and dancing onstage at the recital serves as a powerful tool for building a child’s confidence in themselves—a confidence that easily carries over into a dancer’s home life, schoolwork, and friendships.  So how can one special event create such a big difference? Read all about benefits of the recital HERE.

When starting class this season, you submitted the waiver that included details about our June Recital. All students are automatically enrolled to participate in the year-end recital and/or the tumble exhibition.

  • The automatic performance deposit was processed on Oct 15 ($75 for dancers or $45 for tumblers).

  • Installment amounts will be processed with tuition from November-June.

  • To see your child’s participation schedule, go to your parent portal HERE.

    • Select "View All My Classes" in the top left navigation. 

    • Your child’s registration for events in which they are participating will show there. 

If you have not submitted your form, you can do that here:

If you need to review the information, the Parent Guide includes all performance details.


The third week of November is FUN BUN WEEK! Come to class with a fun bun (short hair can do crazy hair). Turn that bun into a masterpiece... Maybe it's a spider or a one-eyed monster!! We can't wait to see your creations!


Starting last month, STAR students will earn a sticker on their chart each week for having their hair in a proper bun for class along with proper attire of tights and their leotard. Once they fill up their whole row of stickers, they will earn their “Dressed to Impress” pin!  

To earn a pin your dancer must:

  • Have her hair in a secure ballet bun (not a doorknob bun)

  • Use a hairnet

  • Use bobby pins to secure bun


  1. MUSCLE MEMORY: Does your child have bangs or pieces of hair falling down in the face? How about little frizzies tickling their shoulders? In the middle of a dance, they may reach up and brush their hair out of their way. When a dancer does this all the time, after a specific step, or in a rehearsal, it becomes muscle memory, and they will continue to "brush their hair away" onstage, even if it is slicked back and pinned up!

  2. TURNING TROUBLE: It's a problem for turns. For ponytails, dancers tend to close their eyes when they spot, or whip their head around. You cannot turn without spotting your head, and you definitely can't turn with your eyes closed. This is a safety hazard.

  3. BALANCE AND ALIGNMENT: A ballet bun helps to center your balance. Having your neck visible allows the teacher to correct your alignment by making sure your neck, shoulder and back are placed correctly.

  4. HELPS THE TEACHER: If everyone in the room matches perfectly, it is easier to pick out exactly where corrections are needed and who needs them. A shoulder or elbow in the wrong place, the head placement not being correct, or even trying to figure out who is turning the wrong direction can be disorienting if everyone's hair, clothing, and accessories are different. This is important because it helps implement proper technique.

  5. BECAUSE THE TEACHER SAID SO: Even if there was no other good reason, your teacher has a rule in her class that needs to be followed. If you respect your child's teacher, your child will see that respect, and it will transfer to them. The overall atmosphere in our program will remain learning friendly, professional, and respectful.



There will be no classes for Thanksgiving Break beginning at 4pm on Tues, Nov 21 through Friday, Nov 24.  (We will hold morning classes on the Tuesday the 21st)


Our in-studio Christmas Performance offers students a low-key, fun, and simple performance that allows dancers time in front of an audience to help them become more comfortable performing! Participation includes a cookie (of course), and a simple costume accessory rental (skirt, tutu, hat, etc.) given to dancers when they arrive. Female dancers in stars classes will wear their class uniform as their base costume. Preschool/Pre-K girl dancers need a black leotard for their base costume. Boys will wear blue jeans or black pants and a red or green tshirt.

  • Participation is $30.

  • Families will sign up online for a show time in the parent portal HERE.

    • Select “Enroll in a class” and select the special events season.

    • Scroll through to Dec 16th and find your child’s class type and teacher name. (Not sure of your class name or teacher? See the list below or view your currently enrolled classes in your parent portal.)

  • Free admission for up to 4 spectators per participant.

  • Tumbling classes, Tiny Tots, and Diaper Dancers do not participate in the Holiday Performance.


This year’s Christmas Charity Project is going to be even bigger than last year! We are gathering new pajamas and books to donate to those in need locally.  We will be sending out an email that can be forwarded to family and friends about our project.  Start bringing in your donations this month! Look for the donation box in our front lobbies.  Help us beat last year’s total of 1701 pajamas, 1479 books!

We’ve opened up our Scholastic book program to ALL of our dance families for our Christmas project.  Scholastic is an amazing resource with GREAT books at a GREAT price!!  You can order $1 books and they will be shipped right to the studio.  Visit Scholastic Books HERE and take advantage of this convenient way to donate to our book drive.  Online orders are due by Friday November 10th and be sure to put your child’s first and name last name.


November Stretch of the Month- Back/Bridge  |  Strength Challenge- Wall Sit

We are so excited this year to have a “stretch of the month” and a “strength challenge” in our acro/tumbling classes! Encourage your child to work on these skills at home to help them improve even faster!  Be more involved by printing off the at home practice tracker HERE.


This month our theme in dance is “E-I-E-I-O” We are going to have so much fun moving like horses and dancing with our duck feet.  We hope you are having fun dancing with us at home!  

This month we are focusing on:  kicks, marching, ballet arms (port de bras)


With winter weather approaching, we need to remind you that we CANNOT have wet, salty, muddy shoes stepping onto our dance floor. Please carry your hip hop shoes into the studio and change into them before you enter the classroom.  You will be asked to dance with no shoes if you don't have a dry pair! Thank you!


We have a calendar on the website!  Please refer to it for Holiday closures and studio events. If you use Google Calendar you can copy studio events directly into your calendar by clicking on the "add google calendar" in the bottom right corner of the calendar.


The account you created online can be updated at any time. Log in on the website to update contact and billing information, register for new classes, and make payments. You can also reset your password any time.


Join our studio Facebook group and be a part of our community HERE!  Stay up to date on current events and connect with us!


It is a studio tradition to go to Ballet West's Nutcracker at Capitol Theater every year!  This year we have TWO dancers cast in the Nutcracker!  We will be attending as a studio on December 9th at 7pm to support them. Tickets can be purchased HERE


  • November 21-24: Thanksgiving Break, no classes

  • December 16: Holiday Performance @ Bountiful

  • December 21-Jan 3: Winter Break, no classes

  • January 15: MLK Day, no classes

  • February 3: Valentine Ball @ Centerville

  • February 19: President’s Day, no classes

  • February 23: Skipping Party (for preschool/pre-k)

  • March 29: Mom & Me Paint Night @ Centerville

  • April 1-5: Spring Break, no classes

  • April 8-19: Parent Participation Week & Rollover Rally

  • April 16: Pathways for Dancers Meeting

  • May 27: Memorial Day, no classes

  • May 30: Banana Splits Pass Off Party

  • May 31: Last day of classes

  • May 31 & June 1: Tumble Exhibition

  • June 3-5: 2023-24 Company Auditions

  • June 3-6: Recital Picture Day @ Centerville

  • June 8: Recital

  • June 10: Family Appreciation Pool Party

Dear Dancers and Parents,

We are so excited to tell you about our pajama and book drive.  Together, with other sister studios, we are going to collect new books and pajamas for all children sizes Preemie to adult to be donated to those in need throughout Utah.

In 2009 a few studio owners decided that it shouldn't just be about dancing during the holidays, it should be about “making a difference” in someone else’s life!  So many of us have grown up with the tradition of opening up a new pair of pajamas every Christmas Eve.  Kids love pajamas! We felt like giving pajamas to other children was a way to help even our youngest dancers grasp the concept of giving.  We have been collecting pajamas and books for the Utah Foster Care Foundation and several other local charities each and every year since.  They are always so excited to see us and so grateful for new jammies right in time for the holidays! 


  • Pajamas and books must be new, please NO hangers!

  • Pajamas are needed for all sizes. From preemie up to adults.

  • We are also collecting monetary donations. This will go towards more jammies and books! Bring in cash or Venmo donations to @danceforlife and include the dancers name so the amount can go toward their service society recognition!

  • Our studio has a goal for each dancer to collect 10 pairs of pajamas, or 20 books, or $50 in cash donations. We will also accept a combination of the three donations (ex. 5 pjs and 10 books).  

  • We recommend having students purchase pajamas they would wear themselves to donate.  This way they feel more connected to the project and the recipients. We are always in need of more adult sizes too, so spread the word!

  • Involve everyone around you!  Ask for donations from your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. We have included a letter that we encourage you to share with everyone you know.  We want to involve as many people in our community as we can.  An email version will also follow this letter.  Please forward it to your contacts.

  • We will be collecting pajamas at the studio through December 8.

This is one of our favorite times of the year and we feel that this is a wonderful opportunity to teach our students about giving service. We want our dancers to be involved with friends and classmates in feeling the spirit of giving together during the holidays. We are a strong group of loving individuals and if we come together we can make a difference in someone else’s life!  Please help us make our project a huge success!


Happy Holidays!

Expressions Dance and Preschool

October Newsletter 2023

SAFER STUDIO GUIDELINES: The health of our staff, students, and families has always been our highest priority.  Expressions Dance & Preschool follows the Safer Studio guidelines, which prioritize a hierarchy of safety and wellness measures.  As a reminder as we are going into regular cold and flu season, it is important that we continue our combined efforts to follow these guidelines.  Please continue to monitor your children and do not send them to class if they have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, etc.  Thank you so much for everyone’s enhanced awareness and efforts in keeping our dancers healthy.

Sending a child with symptoms to class in a mask is not an acceptable solution. Please keep children home when they are sick.



OCT 27: 6:30-8pm DRIVE-THRU TRUNK-OR-TREAT @ Bountiful

We are so excited for our Trunk-or-Treat on Friday, October 27th! We are accepting candy donations all month long; you can drop off candy at either studio. This is a really fun event for our students! See you there!

If you would like to decorate your car, click HERE to reserve a parking stall!


No classes will be held after 4:00pm on October 31. Have a fun and safe Halloween.

THE RECITAL: WHAT IS IT AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? You’ve heard us talking about it.  You’ve seen it mentioned on our website and in our emails.  You know there’s a lot of excitement around it… but what exactly IS the recital?  Find out more HERE.

JUNE RECITAL-JUNE 8, 2024: A big part of dance training includes learning through performance! ​Our June Recital offers our students a professionally directed performance that allows them to present to their families and friends the results of a year’s hard work, dedication, and progress. The Parent Guide includes all performance details.

When starting class this season, you should have submitted the waiver that included details about our June Recital. All students are automatically enrolled in participation of the year end recital and/or the tumble exhibition. To see your child’s participation schedule, go to your parent portal HERE. Select "View All My Classes" in the top left navigation. Your child’s registration for events in which they are participating will show there.  The automatic performance deposit of $75 for dancers or $45 for tumblers only will process on Oct 15. The remainder of the performance package will be processed as installments with tuition from November-June.

If you have not submitted your form, you can do that here:

If you need to review the information, head here:


Our in-studio Holiday Performance offers students a low-key, fun, and simple performance that allows dancers time in front of an audience to help them become more comfortable performing! Participation includes a cookie (of course), and a simple costume accessory rental (skirt, tutu, hat, etc.) put on dancers when they arrive. Female dancers in stars classes will wear their class uniform as their base costume. Preschool/Pre-K girl dancers need a black leotard for their base costume. Boys will wear blue jeans or black pants and a red or green tshirt.

  • Participation is $30

  • Families sign up online for a show time in the parent portal HERE.

    • Select “Enroll in a class” and select the special events season.

    • Scroll through to Dec 16th and find your child’s class type and teacher name. (Not sure of your class name or teacher? See the list below or view your currently enrolled classes in your parent portal.)

  • Participants can have up to 4 spectators attend (free admission).

  • Tumbling classes, Tiny Tots, and Diaper Dancers do not participate in the Holiday Performance.

FOR PARENTS OF PRESCHOOL DANCERS: We are excited to have a new section each month just for preschool dancers!  We love the month of October…This month our theme is “Itsy Bitsy Spider!”  We will be making an alphabet brew in our classes this month!  The last week of October we will be celebrating Halloween in class by wearing our costumes to dance!  We encourage you to get involved and have them practice their skills at home!  This month we are focusing on:  running, rolling our wrists, heel digs, grand battement, scared face, doughnuts and our scary faces!

Preschoolers and Toddlers can wear Halloween costumes to class the week of October 24-28th!


October Stretch of the Month- Shoulders  |  Strength Challenge- Plank: We are so excited this year to have a “stretch of the month” and a “strength challenge” in our acro/tumbling classes! Encourage your child to work on these skills at home to help them improve even faster! Be more involved by printing off the at home practice tracker HERE.

CHRISTMAS CHARITY PROJECT: We are collecting PJ’s to donate to those in need of a comfy new pair of jammies this holiday.  Get your dancer involved by watching for PJ’s at a good price.  All the proceeds and PJ/books collected will be donated right here in Utah. More information to come!

FOLLOW US!  Like “Expressions Dance” on Facebook and Instagram to receive reminders and great info!  It is an easy way to stay up to date on upcoming events and see all the fun things our dancers are doing!  Join our community Facebook group HERE.


  • The account you created online can be updated at any time. Log in on the website to update contact and billing information, register for new classes, and make payments. You can also reset your password any time.

  • All studio event details are posted on the “newsletters” page that is on the parent portal page of the website.  Please notify us if you aren’t getting our newsletters by email.

STARS CLASS UNIFORMS/DRESS CODE: STARS classes have a uniform and required dress code. This helps to create a more disciplined atmosphere, which allows for faster progress. Thanks for your patience as we await the arrival of our leotards. They should be here in the next few weeks. Please make sure your dancer is attending class each week in the following attire:

  • Stars leotard (any leotard until then)

  • Pink tights

  • Pink ballet shoes

  • Hair in a clean, tight bun. Our bun tutorial can be found HERE


SOUTH DAVIS RECREATION SPOOKTACULAR: Our company and academic preschoolers will be providing the entertainment at the Rec Center’s Spooktacular Carnival on October 28th from 5:00-8:00pm. This is a fun event for families! Carnival tickets go on sale at the Rec Center the week before, and you can purchase performance tickets HERE.

BALLET WEST NUTCRACKER: It is a studio tradition to go to Ballet West's Nutcracker at Capitol Theater every year!  This year we have two dancers cast in the Nutcracker! Congratulations to Gwenyth T. and Kallie P. We will be attending as a studio on December 9th @ 7pm to support them! Tickets can be purchased HERE.


  • September 5: Classes start

  • October 18-20: Fall Break, no classes

  • October 27: Studio Trunk or Treat @ Bountiful

  • October 31: Halloween, no classes after 4pm

  • November 21-24: Thanksgiving Break, no classes

  • December 16: Holiday Performance @ Bountiful

  • December 21-Jan 3: Winter Break, no classes

  • January 15: MLK Day, no classes

  • February 3: Valentine Ball @ Centerville

  • February 19: President’s Day, no classes

  • February 23: Skipping Party (for preschool/pre-k)

  • March 29: Mom & Me Paint Night @ Centerville

  • April 1-5: Spring Break, no classes

  • April 8-19: Parent Participation Week & Rollover Rally

  • April 16: Pathways for Dancers Meeting

  • May 27: Memorial Day, no classes

  • May 30: Banana Splits Pass Off Party

  • May 31: Last day of classes

  • May 31 & June 1: Tumble Exhibition

  • June 3-5: 2023-24 Company Auditions

  • June 3-6: Recital Picture Day @ Centerville

  • June 8: Recital

  • June 10: Family Appreciation Pool Party



We can’t believe we are down to the three final weeks left in our season! Get ready to finish off the season with lots of hard work and fun! The classes you are currently registered for will continue through June 16th 2023.  NOTE: We charge the same amount every month for convenience and consistency to our families. Holidays and studio closures are factored into the season’s tuition amount and is then broken into even monthly payments.


Our teachers are planning for a great 2023-2024 season, and we can’t wait to see our students continue to grow and flourish. Expressions Dance runs continuous enrollment, so current students have been rolled into the correct classes for the next season. You can enjoy your summer knowing you already have your schedule set up for next season starting September 5th.

(Your discounted annual membership of $30 was automatically renewed and was processed with tuition on May 1, 2023, unless the Membership Change Form was completed online.) 


We are so excited to bring back our FAMILY APPRECIATION POOL PARTY! All families are invited to attend! Monday, June 12th from 7-9pm at the Farmington City Pool! We can't wait to see you there and to celebrate a great year of dance together!


If you’ve passed off your splits with a teacher and earned a pin, we hope you’ll join us for our banana split party at the park! We’ve sent out emails to dancers who have passed off their splits, make sure you fill out the RSVP form so we have enough ice cream!


We invite your dancer to grow with us and audition for one of our Performance Teams! Our company program is for dancers who want to be challenged to reach their full potential. You can sign up for auditions in your parent portal under "Company Auditions." To view the information packet about Company Teams, click HERE.


We're holding an information meeting on Thursday, June 15th @ 7:30pm via Zoom.


We have fun classes planned for dancers this summer! Learn something new and join us at a workshop or a camp!

Check out the summer guide HERE and sign up in your parent portal.


Please take a few minutes to fill out the Family Feedback Form. We would love to hear about your experience with us this year! We value your comments and would love to hear your suggestions on how we can continue providing an exceptional program!  Your opinion provides us with valuable information, and we are always looking for ways we can improve. 


What a wonderful year we have had!  We have enjoyed watching them grow and can’t wait to share their love of dance with you at the recital.  This month our theme is “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.”  This month we will be doing a BIG review of all the wonderful things your dancer has learned this year.  We will be focusing on recital dances as well as celebrating their accomplishments for the year.  We hope you have enjoyed our preschool dance program as much as we have enjoyed your dancer! We look forward to making many more memories with all of you!  


We are still accepting registration for Fall 2023 Preschool at both locations!  The benefit to our preschool is that it INCLUDES our dance and tumbling classes!  Get it all done in one!  There is no reason to sign up for separate dance, tumbling, and preschool programs!  We offer it all and have the BEST TEACHERS around!  Leap'n Learners ignites a child's mind and awakens a passion for learning and movement that will last a lifetime. Space is limited!



  • June 9 Company Showcase @ Weber State

  • June 10 Dance Recitals @ Weber State


Everything for recital can be found on our recital webpage:



Visit to order roses, stickers, and dancer notes for the program. Payment is due at the time your order is placed. Orders will be available for pick up at the recitals on Saturday.


Teachers would LOVE to have their students practicing at home using videos and music as much as possible.  Music and practice videos can be found HERE


Tickets are on sale online now! Be sure to share the online ticket link with your family/friends who are attending:

NEED TICKET SUPPORT? Call 866-htt-4tix, Option 3

  • Tickets purchased in advanced are $12, $13, or $14 plus handling fees 

  • Seating is reserved; doors will remain closed until 30 min before show time. 

  • No one ages 3 and older is admitted to the show without a ticket. Infants and children who may have a hard time remaining seated during the entire performance should not attend.


Picture day was amazing!  Way to go parents, the kids looked great!  In 2-3 weeks, your photos will appear in your Hello Dancer online account.  You will receive an email when they are there or CLICK HERE to log in to your account with Hello Dancer. 

Here are a few appearance reminders: 

  • Make-up & Hair Tutorials website has videos and step by step instructions!

  • Some school aged kids came to picture day with the preschool dancer hairstyle. If your dancer just finished Kindergarten or above, they need to have the school aged bun hairstyle!

    • Preschool Dancers:

      • Girls need SUPER curly hair!

      • Girls: Pink tights & pink ballet shoes

      • Boys: Bare feet if you’re in shorts, black socks if you’re in pants

      • Girls: Remember to wear your hairpieces

    • School-Aged Dancers (KINDERGARTEN AND OLDER):

      • Part hair down the middle before slicking into a bun

      • Neatly slicked buns with lots of gel/hairspray

      • Secure bun with a hairnet and bobby pins

      • If you have a hair piece need to be securely placed above your dancer's right ear. 

    • Hip Hop:

      • Hairstyle for girls is a ponytail, but if you’re also in a STARS class, you’ll keep your hair in a bun.

      • Wear your recital shirt under your red jacket

      • Clean tennis shoes



  • Please refer to the Dad Dance webpage for practice videos, music and final information!

  • Final Practice Date: June 3rd @ Centerville

  • Performance Attire: Dads wear your own dark jeans and tennis shoes with your recital shirt. Dancers wear black leggings or shorts with their recital shirt with pink tights and ballet shoes or bring underwear and barefeet/bare legs.

Performance Day Details:

  • We will have a Stage Rehearsal 30 minutes before your performance time @ Weber State. This rehearsal is MANDATORY. If you are not in attendance, you will NOT perform.

  • Check in with your dancer 10 minutes before your dancer’s arrival time and head to the stage to practice.

  • After rehearsal, leave your dancer with their class backstage and head to your seat before the recital starts. Take their Ziplock bag with their dad dance costume with you to your seat.

  • After your dancer performs, exit the auditorium, and go through dancer check in to find your dancer. You should have their Ziploc bag with you.

  • Help them change into their dad dance costume.

  • Dads will be the final dance of the show. They’ll stay on stage and be the first group to bow in the finale.

  • After the curtain closes, stay with your dancer and exit through the check-out hallway. Make sure to pick up their class costume and their award.



A digital recording of this year’s recital has been included in your package. You will be receiving your digital download via email. We will NOT be held accountable for email addresses that are NOT up to date. To update info PLEASE email us or log onto your account and update!


  • June 2-3: Tumble Exhibition

  • June 10: Recital

  • June 12: Family Appreciation Pool Party

  • June 15: Banana Splits Pass Off Party

  • June 16: Last day of classes

  • June 19-21: 2023-24 Company Auditions



 We had a great time last month seeing you at Parent Peek Week! Students really looked forward to showing off their progress and had so much fun seeing you at the studio!


SEPTEMBER 5th: NEW DANCE SCHEDULE STARTS. Our teachers are planning for a great 2023-2024 season, and we can’t wait to see our students continue to grow and flourish. Your discounted annual membership of $30 was automatically renewed and will be processed with tuition on May 1, 2023, unless the Membership Change Form was completed online.  Enjoy your summer knowing you already have your schedule set up for next season starting Sept 5th.   You can check your enrollment anytime in your parent portal.

MAY 1-5: TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK: Teacher Appreciation week is this month! This is a GREAT opportunity to let all of your teachers know how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication. In celebration of our teachers here at the studio we are having a “shower your teacher week.” All our teachers love personal thank you notes and pictures, please shower them with your kind words throughout this week!

Our Parent PALS Committee organizing a group gift for each of our amazing teachers. Last year they were able to collect enough to get each teacher a goodie basket with their favorite things and a gift card! If you would like to contribute to the group teacher gifts, your name will be included on the card! You can contribute in one of three ways:  

  1. Reply to this email the amount you would like to contribute and the office can add it to your account.

  2. Venmo funds to @expressionsdance and include "teacher gift" in the memo.

  3. You can leave an envelope in the tuition box with cash labeled "teacher gift" with your name on it! 

All group gift contributions are due by Friday, May 5th. 

SUMMER DANCE CAMPS! Keep your kids moving this summer! With lots of different options for every age and level it’s a great time to try a new style! Space is limited. View the summer guide HERE and sign up in your parent portal.

FALL PRESCHOOL IS FILLING UP FAST! We are still accepting registration for Fall 2023-24 preschool at both locations!  The benefit to our preschool is that it INCLUDES our dance and tumbling classes!  Get it all done in one!  There is no reason to sign up for separate dance, tumbling, and preschool programs!  We offer it all and have the BEST TEACHERS around!  Leap'n Learners ignites a child's mind and awakens a passion for learning and movement that will last a lifetime. Space is limited!

COMPANY TEAM AUDITIONS JUNE 19-21: If you're looking for exceptional training and an outlet for dance then mark your calendars with the Expressions Dance Company summer dates! Our company program is for dancers who want to be challenged to reach their full potential. View the information packet HERE.

UNDERWEAR: It's that time of year again for the need to remind everyone about our underwear rule...  Dancers don't wear underwear, they wear tights.  This is the hardest thing to explain to little girls.  Let's start working on it now so we don't have panty problems at recital.  Thanks!

DANCE IS ESSENTIAL FOR THE WELL BEING OF THE CHILD: Dance has many benefits! We’ve listed a few of our favorites below in three categories: academic, emotional, and physical.  Intellectual and Academic Benefits, Social and Emotional Benefits, and Physical Benefits.  Read more HERE.

STUDIO FACEBOOK GROUP: Join our studio Facebook group and be a part of our community HERE!  Stay up to date on current events and connect with us!

FOR PARENTS OF PRESCHOOL DANCERS- MAY THEME: Hello Preschool Dance Parents! We love our preschool dance themes!  This month is “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on my Head.”  We are going to be using some fun props in class this month like our parachute and an umbrella. At home you can be working on: skipping, memory, 3rd position, toe touches, and confidence. Recital is just around the corner.  We hope you are finding time at home to review recital routines.

As the season progresses additional recital information or updates will be posted on the website, in monthly newsletters and on the school bulletin board. Make it your responsibility to keep abreast of this important information. Our goal is to make the recital an organized, exciting experience for everyone involved. The success of the show is a team effort of students, their parents, the teachers, and the director.

We have a RECITAL webpage! Check it out by clicking on “Recital” in the parent portal on our website:

Classes are finishing their dances in the next few weeks! Please do everything you can to have good attendance!  We so excited for dancers to get to perform in recitals at Weber State this year!  

Event confirmations for performers were emailed:

  • They include assigned recital times for performances on June 10th. Check in time for performers is 30-minutes before show time.

  • They include drop off and pick up times for picture day and dress rehearsal on May 19-20th.

  • If you’re participating in the Tumble Exhibition, your arrival time is included too!


  • May 19-20 Picture Day & Dress Rehearsal at Centerville studio

  • June 2 & 3 Tumble Exhibition

  • June 10 Recitals at Weber State, Val A Browning Center

COSTUME PICK UP: May 4, 1-3pm and May 5 from 5-7pm

  • Costume drive through pick up will be at the Bountiful studio for all performers.

  • If you are absent and do not receive your costume, please come in with your student to class the following week to pick it up.

  • Students with account balances will NOT receive costumes until they have been paid.

  • Please take good care of your costumes! Do not wear your costumes except to pictures/dress rehearsal and recital. After the performance is over you can wear it whenever you want! DO NOT EAT IN YOUR COSTUMES!

  • NOTE: Girls- NO underwear or visible bras, no jewelry or nail polish


PRACTICE VIDEOS: Teachers would LOVE to have their students practicing at home using videos and music as much as possible. Music and practice videos can be found  on the recital webpage.


DAD DANCE INFORMATION: See your assigned rehearsal times, performance times, and access the practice videos on the recital webpage.


Each year a section of our program is dedicated to notes for our dancers. This is a fun way to recognize your dancer and they will love finding a personal note just to them right in the program! Notes are $10 per line. Due date is June 1st. An example of a dancer note would be something like: "Jessica - You who bring us joy with every step!  Love, Mom”  

Visit the recital webpage to order roses, stickers, and dancer notes for the program. Payment is due at the time your order is placed. Orders will be available for pick up at the recital.



Be sure to share the online ticket link with your family/friends who are attending:

NEED TICKET SUPPORT? Call 866-htt-4tix, Option 3

  • Tickets purchased in advanced are $12, $13, or $14 plus handling fees 

  • Seating is reserved; doors will remain closed until 30 min before show time. 

  • No one ages 3 and older is admitted to the show without a ticket. Infants and children who may have a hard time remaining seated during the entire performance should not attend.


  • May 19-20: Recital Picture Day @ Centerville

  • May 29: Memorial Day, no classes

  • June 2-3: Tumble Exhibition

  • June 10: Recital

  • June 12: Family Appreciation Pool Party

  • June 15: Banana Splits Pass Off Party

  • June 16: Last day of classes

  • June 19-21: 2023-24 Company Auditions